Safety tips for Children

Giving the safest environment to the child is the biggest worry for all the parents. According to research, children are more vulnerable to environmental hazards than adults. There are many reasons behind that like children drink more water, breathe more air and eat more food so, they have more exposure to any toxicants present in water, air, and food than adults.
The prevention measures are also simple, but you need to take extra care and more attentive. You can consult the child specialist, if you need any advices or suggestions at Mayom Hospital, the best hospital in Gurgaon, Haryana.
- Start with your home because home safety is about supervising your child and teaching your child what is good and safe for them and whatnot. Supervising is a very important key for child safety.
- When your child starts crawling, then install the safety guards at your stairs and balconies.
- Don’t leave your baby on sofa, bed or on the raised surface because they might roll off and fall.
- Keep away your child from plastic toys because they have more lead toxicity. Choose wooden toys instead of plastic ones.
- Clean your floor regularly.
- Keep hot drinks away from the children.
- Keep lighter, match stick, candles away from your children. Install a smoke alarm as a safety precaution.
- Make sure the toys match your children’s ability and age.
For any query, feel free to visit Mayom hospital, the top maternity hospital in Gurgaon. They provide the best care in a child-friendly setting at an affordable cost.