Breastfeeding is the process of feeding of newly born babies and young children with milk from the mother’s breast. It is very important to both the mother and the child. It is also known as nursing. Health experts advice to all the mothers to start breastfeeding within the first hour of your child’s life and continue as much as they want. Breast milk helps to protect your baby against allergies, infections, diabetes, and cancer, lower the risk of SIDS and supplies all the essential nutrients to your baby.
But sometimes breastfeeding doesn’t always easy for all mothers. Many mothers face the problem of creating enough milk and it is because of high-stress levels, insufficient food intake or infrequently feeding your baby. Here are some tips to increase the breast milk supply naturally:
- The best way to increase your supply is by latching your baby correctly. With proper latching, your baby can have your breast milk enough and also helps your body to produce more.
- Having a healthy diet is very important. Add fruits, vegetables, whole grains, proteins in your diet. Your aim should be 2,500 calories per day. Do not forget to take your vitamins.
- If you are dehydrated, your body does not produce milk. You need to drink plenty of water than you possibly think. Your aim should be at least 12 glasses per day
- Get proper sleep as often as you can. Take a nap when your baby is sleeping during the day time.
- Feed your baby on each side. The more frequently you feed, the more production of milk occurs.
- Breastfeeding your baby at night is important and let your breast breathe while feeding.
- Try to stimulate your breast using hand expression techniques after finish your breastfeeding. If you want to try lactation stimulants, you can try only on your doctor’s advice.
- Avoid any type of energy drinks, soda, alcohol, smoking, caffeine. It decreases your water level in your body.
- Try to be relaxed, positive and believe in yourself. Don’t let your fear demoralize your confidence./li>
After all these tips, still, if you are producing less milk then do not feel ashamed or embarrassed to ask Dr. Deepa Aggarwal, the child specialist at Mayom Hospital. It is the best NICU care in Gurgaon. She will help you to establish a healthy breast milk supply and successful breastfeeding.