Effect of Calcium Deficiency

Calcium works to keep our bones and joints strong and healthy. Apart from this, it also helps in strengthening the blood cells along with the teeth. If it is deficient in the body, then with aging, the bones become weak and thin. You get factored in even a little stumbling.
The physician from Best Hospital in Gurugram Haryana says ‘Calcium deficiency is most commonly seen and bones and joints start to weaken with age. People require 1,000 milligrams a day and for people over 50 years of age, 1,200 milligrams of calcium a day. In such a situation, you do not have to let it fall in your body so that your health remains’.
Calcium deficiency is also called hypocalcemia. To avoid the difficult problems caused by calcium deficiency, every person should know about it from time to time. Let’s know what symptoms appear when the calcium level in the body is low:
1. Nervousness
Calcium is required by everybody, when it is deficient, the heart beats at an abnormal pace, due to which symptoms of restlessness and nervousness may be seen.
2. Joint pain
Bones and their joints require large amounts of calcium, if there is a deficiency of this mineral in your body, then it causes pain in your joints. If you feel like this, then contact a doctor,
3. Cramps in Muscles
If you are facing problems like muscle spasms, then this is a sign of not having sufficient calcium levels in the body, which needs attention.
4. Fragmentation and breaking of nails
Calcium deficiency can cause small white patches on your nails, as well as their fragility and frequent breakage can also be a sign of calcium deficiency.
Calcium deficiency causes many diseases
- Osteoporosis is a special type of disease associated with bones
- May increase the risk of menopause
- Increases the risk of colon cancer
- Heart disease
- Blood pressure may increase
- Amenorrhea
- Low body weight
- Hormonal imbalance
- Stress
- Bone weakening
A simple blood test can determine if you have low calcium levels. A doctor at Mayom Hospital might suggest a test if he or she thinks your levels are low. The Hospital is the one promising and serving the people with state of art technologies.